Vintage Vassarette pink half slip Size A Med
Price: $28.00
Availability: 1 in stock ~ shipping free within USA
Prod. Code: 120

This lovely medium color pink half slip has never been worn and probably dates to the 1960s/1970s. It is just lovely with a pretty sheen to the fabric which is a smooth satin like finish to the 100% Antron III Nylon Tricot. Vassarette is a division of Munsingwear, Inc. Care instructions are to wash on gentle cycle or drip dry and touch up with cool iron only if you feel it is necessary. These vintage slips are of better quality than slips made today and were made in U.S.A. The fabric is good smell and that is important to know when purchasing vintage clothing. I have bought only the best quality through the years and stored in a non damp and no smoking environment. Sizing is below:
I describe items to the best of my ability and I feel no one would be disappointed in the quality of this vintage slip. The price stated above is the price you pay, as mailing/shipping fee is included in that price.