My Easter Present 1951
October 16, 2018 @ 7:01 PM
As a little girl, I Ioved music boxes and I loved bunny rabbits, so it was not at all surprising when my Dad came home with this unique little toy that I loved for many years. It was called RUBE Rhythm Rabbit Music Box by Mattel. It was a wind up and as you would wind it, the bunny would dance a jig atop the square platform of the music box. I remember the song for mine was "Sidewalks of New York." I doubt there are many of these little music boxes still in existence, especially in one piece. After all, children can be very hard on toys, even if they cherish them.
The picture here was one I found some years back when I was searching for this toy so I could buy it, but it was apparently already sold--much to my dismay.
The Vintage Bed Jacket
October 16, 2018 @ 6:38 PM
In the earlier days of my website, a very nice lady contacted me because she was interested in writing something about vintage bed jackets and she wanted my thoughts. Below is the article that was published in the September 14, 2009, issue of AntiqueWeek
Under the PREVIOUSLY SOLD section (see index to left), you can see some of the beautiful bedjackets I once sold here.