just a few samples of items I once sold here.
Shown here for your viewing pleasure and possible help in your identifying certain vintage name brands. Enjoy.
1950s Glamorous Warner's peignoir set

stunning vintage Van Raalte full slip with pomegrante lace of the prettiest I have seen and sold. I recall seeing Elizabeth Taylor wear one of these in a movie, only her lace was lavender.

Beautiful vintage 40s or 50s Gotham Gold Stripe nightgown

Raalte gown which was sold at a few years back. It was one of the most beautiful of the Myth gowns that I had ever seen.
beautiful Van

40s or 50s Van Raalte Myth bed jacket

Oleg Cassini most beautiful vintage beaded bolero jacket I have ever seen and had the pleasure of owning until sold.

bought in Palm Springs at a vintage shop
Jonathan Logan 60s black lace date dress--one of the nicest I have seen by this brand.

1940s or 1950s Odette Barsa bed jacket

vintage Lily of France peignoir

1950s quilted Barbizon bed jacket

vintage Fredericks of Hollywood peignoir set

Vintage 50s Chevette bed jacket (bedjacket)

1950s quilted Nanette bed jacket (bedjacket)

Beautiful Victor Kosta designer Boho Maxi Dess