A few years back, I had a small gallery on my website called LOOK-A-LIKES where I put up pictures of the Regulars and other celebrities that looked like each other. I also took pictures of fans who looked like a Regular or a movie star back in the days of Early American Bandstand. It was a fun page but one that got removed at one point. This blog post will be a possible forerunner to my bringing back a similar page. I will go by input here or by e-mail input regarding the interest level of doing so. Meanwhile, here's the picture that I felt was the quintessential look-a-like and that Is of Justine Carrelli looking like the movie star in this picture with Elvis. I am sure I can find out who the movie star is, as I have found a few who fill the bill, since Justine says it is not her in this picture. But did you ever see such a good look-a-like. Everyone thought this was Justine. What do you think?
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