I'm Dreaming of...

December 22, 2011 @ 11:33 PM
...a White Christmas. Now that's not likely to happen here in my part of Southern California, as we have to travel nearly 100 miles to our local mountains for snow. (Update July 2013---have moved even closer to the mountains and snow--50 miles away). So in lieu of being able to be in the snow and to help make everyone's Christmas bright, I am playing this video that has been one of my very favorites since first seeing it last Christmas. The family is joyful, cute and talented. I think they have done a delightful job of putting together this video which I am putting a link to: Wishing you a Merry 'Vintage' Christmas ENJOY! ...and now in keeping with this being an American Bandstand blog, I share with you a picture from the 1970s ...
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December 7, 2011 @ 5:05 AM
I have recently heard from Kathleen "Bunny" Gibson by phone and via e-mail. She wanted me to have this as a lst-time exclusive showing for my website. This material as well as other materials at my website are not to be used elsewhere on the WEB without not only my permission but the permission of my original contributors. Here is Bunny's message, followed by a picture and an article. I hope you enjoy both. When the Regulars keep American Bandstand memories alive by attending events and sharing with my website, as a number of popular Regulars have done, it reminds us all of the impact of the wonderful American Bandstand show that has held up through the decades. We are all so thankful for it.

"Emailing this picture to you .........

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