A friend of my website (aka Eagle) thought many of you would find this link interesting--and I agree. You will see a good many pictures and verbal descriptions of the studio we all came to know and love--but in its days of abandonment and disrepair. It is sad to think it ever got to that stage, but it is good to know it is on the Historic Register and that subsequent to these pictures there were many steps taken to re-vitalize the studio and surrounding area. Much good has come of that, but let's never forget who the studio really belongs to--and that is the dancers/regulars who went there faithfully over and over and brought happiness to millions of fans across the country. Dick Clark would want it remembered that way, I am sure. They are the ones who should be in the spotlight ... and ending on a brighter note, here's a picture of the WFIL studio in happier days--courtesy Don Gillis. I thank Eagle for the link (which I have called WFIL Studio Remembered) and Don for the studio picture in its better days----->

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